Can Cities Save the World?
A roundtable on Climate Change, Migration and the City
We live in a perilous urban age. The increasingly stratified character of global cities means that certain populations and zones of these cities are effectively under a permanent state of emergency. Cities are also the spaces in which multiple overlapping and interacting drivers create urban rage. In order to address these challenges equitably and effectively, needs of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable residents must be prioritized. The situation invites us to re-think the scalar boundaries of the nation-state at which climate change and migration response is often shaped.
This public event brings together some of the most prolific researchers and practitioners in the field of climate change and migration in the urban realm to present a fresh look into possibilities of a radical response to these two issues holistically.
Renato Accorinti Mayor of Messina
Ashley Dawson City University of New York and Princeton Environment Institute
Eleonora de Mayo City Counsellor of Napoli
Toni Ridas Barcelona en comú
Lise Sedrez Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Moderator: Ilenia Iengo (KTH Environmental Humanities Lab.
After the session, we will continue the evening with mingle, food and drink.